Help fleshing out Halloween AdventureHello.
I'm hoping to run a Paranoia one shot this year for Halloween and hoping can get help fleshing out the mission (will be zappy). I'm aiming for a Scooby Doo episode.
The basic plot points I have are
-In sector 011-325-645E (aka the abandoned warehouse district, home to abandoned warehouses, infrared sleeping bunkers and some super sketchy businesses) there has been reports of a "ghost" haunting the streets. The ghost looks like a
-The troubleshooters have been hired to kill/capture the ghost. R&D wants to capture the ghost alive to experiment on it, Intsec wants to kill the ghost for being a mutant and impersonating an ultra violet citizen. Since the 2 departments have conflicting goals they have hired a troubleshooter team to both capture the ghost alive and kill it. Both groups will be putting pressure on the trouble shooters to prioritize their goal.
-My idea for the ghost is it is Yellow(?) free enterprise businessman who is trying to scare away anyone still in the sector or looking to redevelop the sector. He wants to scare everyone away and buy up and re develop the sector himself to control it in the name of free enterprise. He has a mutant power for the intangibility and uses a mixture of jetpacks or lines to glide down to pretend to fly around
-Maybe he also has a few various bots he uses to make things/areas seem haunted(?) He can run some kind of repair business and when the repairs were done by his team he managed to get the bots in place for when he started enacting his scheme
semi related complication
-(idea slightly stolen from Fight Together or Die a Clone) a group of romantics have learned of the "ghost" and after consulting an old tome (The Call of Cthulhu) have figured this is a sign the time is right to summon Cthulhu. Their hope is if they can summon an old god they can question it to learn about all the old things (as a running joke none of the romantics know how to say Cthulhu or any of the chant correctly. To summon Cthulhu they have made a "statue" of him (a bot they added tentacles to and painted green) and are kidnapping infrareds to sacrifice to Cthulhu when the time is right (they don't know when that is, but figure they will know when it comes).
-Maybe if the romantic cultists do sacrifice the infrareds the Cthulhu statue bot will go insane and go on a rampage in the sector?
Unrelated complication
- HPD&MC has heard of the ghost and the haunted sector and sent a team to record the incident and turn it into a show(?)
I figure secret societies can also be interested in the ghost or maybe impacted by decreased productivity in the sector from the romantics actions.
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/u/wizuriel [link] [comments]