Help Wanted. The Return of Paranoia Live.Greetings! (This post is made with moderator approval)
I won’t bury the lead here. The domain “” has been recovered, a temporary splash page is up right now, and we need assistance in bringing back Paranoia Live once again. We have members of the original guard, including the original owner Jazzer himself, and WJ himself even has volunteered in providing original writing for the site’s relaunch. We have Mongoose’s blessing for all of this of course. (Thanks Mongoose!)
What We Need Help With:
We need assistance with those who are familiar to website software (in particular PHPBB, wiki software, e107, etc.), data recovery from backups (we have a backup that may have corrupted files… if recoverable we can bring back an archive of the forum in a more complete state), and honestly support from the community at large.
What We Have: We have a full backup of the site, including the GMFTP folder, alongside a backup of the wiki and a fully functional version of JParanoia (The Community Edition I released years ago).
The Plan: Our plan is setup in multiple phases.
1) Restore the main homepage in the forum of static pages.
— To keep hosting more streamlined our current plan is to recreate the original homepage, but within HTML5 + CSS static pages. The site’s files will then be hosted off of GitHub itself for long term visibility.
2) Restore & Archive The Original Forum If Possible…
— The backup files for the forum may be incomplete, due to possible corruption, so we will need extra eyes to help us determine if the backup is a lost cause or if anything can be salvaged. If restored it will be archived into a “read only” state, afterwards we may look into the possibility of upgrading the original software.
3) Forming a New Forum
— We will be looking into forming a new forum entirely. Built from the ground up with modern versions of the all too familiar software, but with a new spin on things. If we cannot recover the old forum, we will instead port over what we can for the new release. We want the new forum to be a place for fans old and new to enjoy and have fun with.
4) Restore the Wiki if possible.
— Same as step “2” but in terms of the wiki files we have access to in our backup. Depending on things we may form a new wiki.
Final Note: We hope to bring back the familiar forum that many love, and reignite that community hub and living world that many enjoyed. Please comment below and reach out if you believe you will be a good fit to help.
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/u/Ncc360 [link] [comments]