Teela-O-MLY and Lenny-R-JRK: Who Are They to You?Everybody and their secondary clones in Alpha Complex knows all about Teela-O-MLY and her hated nemesis, Lenny-R-JRK. Their appearance in all of the media produced by the firms of the Complex serve as the foremost examples of virtue and villainy for all Citizens to be aware of. Praise the Computer for Teela’s service!
Alright, stepping out of character, I happen to love the concepts of these two characters. These are two actors who do their best to play to appearances and expectations for the cameras, which in Alpha Complex, is nearly all the ding-dang time.
Of all of the people in Alpha Complex, these two are likely to have the dirtiest secrets. After all, in the screwed-up world of Paranoia, you don’t get to such a level of public prestige and recognition without having some massive skeletons in your Coverall Storage Unit.
Maybe Teela is actually an unregistered mutant with mind control or machine empathy powers.
Perhaps Lenny is actually an Ultraviolet in disguise, playing the dumb, lazy villain to cover up his labyrinthine manipulations of Complex media.
Or they could very well both be androids who are just a single unforeseen incident away from going absolutely haywire and singing “Home on the Range” while lobbing tacnuke grenades into a crowd of millions.
And behind the scenes, who are they to each other? Are they true, bonafide enemies? Work colleagues? Friends? Best friends? Secret lovers? More of a master and pupil dynamic? If it’s that last one, then who’s the master, and who’s the pupil?
In short, I have a lot to say about these characters. I was wondering if anyone in this subreddit would also have something they’d like to share about them. Thoughts, theories, opinions, stories from games of yours…so long as they involve one or both of these two, let me hear it!
Thank you all, and remember:
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/u/QuirkOfImagination [link] [comments]