Paranoia Perfect Edition: Mutation Power OopsiesIm a totally new GM to the paranoia universe and have a little hard time understanding how to make mutation powers work.
Example (as per book) player hands me a note:
(Green IntSec Goon, Mindblast, 3 Moxie)
Ok I know (more or less) what he is trying to do. I decide in my head that he needs at least 2 successes to make that work. He rolls 0 successes.
Does that mean he just fails and all is good? Or does he get an "oopsie trigger" himself and get's braindamage?
I'm just trying to distinguish these 3 scenarios - He succeeds and his target suffers damage
- Nothing happens
- Oopsie happens, he himself gets damaged
Finally, when speaking about abilities like Mindblast or Invisibility what does more moxie even do ? Mindblast might do more damage. Okey.
But invisibility? What is the difference between 1 moxie invis vs. 5 moxie invis ? haha
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/u/sta6 [link] [comments]