Why does Armour have Success and Treason effects?First time GM here
Im a little confused regarding the combat rules in Paranoia: Perfect Edition
How damage is dealt(p.33)
Because GMs do not roll in Paranoia, how can GMs know if an NPC hits a Troubleshooter? By looking for failed rolls. Anytime a player does not at least match the difficulty of a roll in combat, they get a wound.
Does that mean when player A attacks some NPC and I say to myself "ok he needs 2 Successes to hit that guy" but the player rolls 2 successes, he not only misses the NPC but gets somehow damage himself?
So in other words there is never really an "attack round" for the enemy NPCs? Instead each player either deals or receives damage
only on his turn ? Is this so far correct?
How does Armour work?(p.37)
Armour always works in combat (except when the GM says it does not), so no roll is needed. GMs should always apply the Success effect unless that would be boring (and take away successes equal to the armour’s level) and they can use the Failure effect when any player does not laugh at the GMs’ jokes.
When do players ever need to roll for Success/Treason with armour if as we discussed above they get only damaged if they miss successful rolls on
their own attacks?In other words: Player A needs 3 successes, gets 2 successes, according to the rules above he now should get a wound.
Does wearing armour in this situation help him at all? Because it does not seem so.
And if it doesn't help him, in what situation does it help him? The only one I can think of are Player vs. Player fights where both get to roll.
Can anyone explain?
I need 1 example to understand:
- What happens if player A shoots at player B who is wearing armour?
- Does only player A roll dice or do both roll dice?
- If player A shoots at player B and somehow misses (not enough successes) does that mean according to the wound rules I discussed above that now player A will get a wound?
Bonus Info (p.33)
If an attack comes from another player, they get to roll dice for their attack (<- this just means that attacking player rolls dice to attack, right?). If the combat roll matches the difficulty number, the attack hits and causes a Hurt wound. (If it is DIFF 3 and the player rolled two successes, they would fail.)
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/u/sta6 [link] [comments]