Where can I find some one-shots?Me and my buddies had yesterday our very first paranoia game. We played perfect edition and had a blast! The insanity was through the roof!
We played the "starting mission" contained in perfect edition and it worked wonders.
Now I'm asking myself: Do people find missions online or is it more common practice to just create your own stories?
I could do that but I shy away from that because
- a) I'm very new to the paranoia setting so I'd prefer to learn about it through the lens of prepared missions
- b) I have never created my own stories and fear they might suck
For now we are looking mostly for one-shots. Can anyone recommend a place where I can find some?
AFAIK perfect edition is "backwards compatible" so I'm happy to have a look at one shots from previous editions (red clearance?) for example
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/u/sta6 [link] [comments]