Secret Society Side Missions - Sierra Club?Comrades,
Am with Perfect edition, doing non-treasonous Holiday Special for New Years Day. Am being very interested in offering XP Point rewards that have not been laundered in any way for Secret Society requested acts of support, which are definitely not terroristic in nature. Many Secret Societies have very easy desires. PURGE? Is break monitors, cameras, maybe have viruses. Corpore Metal? Get bot on team, make bot happy. But Sierra Club is carefully assigned but nyet easy give missions. Maybe other comrades can give ideas before I reroll Sierra Club character? Power to the infrareds and down with Computer!
Or, to put it another way...
I'm doing a Holiday Special Paranoia one-shot, and I've randomized all the characters and got "Sierra Club" for one of them. My main joke for the whole thing is offering the party that "this is an RPG that you can actually WIN!" by offering a lot of ways to obtain XP Point bounties. For Secret Societies I've got small missions worth 25 XP Points (random terrorism, like PURGE breaking cameras) and big missions worth 100 (Executions, such as PURGE "Proving" someone is a member of FCCCP and gets them a new clone, or taking out a high-clearance lackey of The Computer.) And for the most part, it's been easy to come up with these... except for Sierra Club.
Before I go ahead and reroll that character's Secret Society, I wanted to toss this out to my fellow Ultraviolets and see if anyone can suggest a couple of bounty ideas... Feel free to reference older books, I have a big stash of 2nd edition stuff from DriveThru RPG.
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/u/svara74 [link] [comments]