Perfect Edition is totally perfect, but...The new edition leaves me with a few questions.
(1) The Prescriptions have two entries with placeholder text instead of a real Security Clearance, I think. Both Focusol an Oxyfenerin have the security clearance position marked "Clearance". What's it supposed to be?
(2) Some weapons cause a loss of Moxie instead of wound damage, which is great but it's not clear how this ought to affect NPCs. The very simple NPC attributes don't really include Moxie, so how ought we play that one?
(3) Security clearance promotions are a bit vague. Obviously, it's up to the GM in the end, but I wonder whether most Troubleshooters should expect a promotion at the end of a successful mission. I mean, sometimes missions do somehow end successfully, right?
(4) I'm willing to try out the purely reactive NPC effects, at least until I get the Perfect Accomplice book, but the system does make initiative a bit odd. Suppose three Red troubleshooters are facing a Blue troubleshooter holding a grenade. What does it matter whether the Blue has initiative or not? If, for some reason, the GM decides to follow the rules in this case, he'll throw the grenade only as a result of a failed action on the part of some troubleshooter. Or, perhaps, he can throw the grenade and each troubleshooter can make an appropriate roll to avoid injury, but that doesn't work so well with a Laser (which can't seriously be dodged).
I admit that as a GM, I'm used to being somewhat rule-bound here. In previous editions of Paranoia (I've played 1st edition, XP and 25th Anniversary, I think), there was a bit less fudging of the rules and maybe I'm being a bit stodgy here.
Thanks for advice.
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/u/ApprehensiveSink1893 [link] [comments]