Is Paranoia the right ttrp for my group?Hello everyone,
I’ve DM’d my group for around 2 years now (with breaks), overall I’d say I Dm’d around 30 sessions and have read a bunch of resources how to DM properly.
Now after finishing our campaign, I have been thinking, that I have a somewhat good understanding what my group likes and dislikes and began to think there might be better systems than DnD 5e for them.
My overall impression of my group is something like this
Mostly casual players: They don’t have the time nor the desire to research their characters at home.
So little to no backstories, very minimal roleplaying and only bare-bones understanding of their abilities.
They just want a fun, interesting experience that takes minimal preparation for them is easily, consumed and they can not think about until the next time we meet.
Concentration: We meet mostly on workdays (reasons) and 4 hour sessions (even with breaks) are usually too draining for them. So Ideally we’d play something that takes around 3 hours per session
Slow Combat: I think one of the most draining parts for them is the combat in DnD 5e. So I’m either looking for systems that make combat faster and more fun or systems that minimize combat all together.
Scheduling Issues: Due to current scheduling issues I don’t think a longer campaign is a good idea.
For now we are looking at one-shots or mini campaigns that take 3 sessions max.
What my players enjoy: - Messing with NPCs and each other
- Solving riddles, overcoming hard obstacles
- High stakes
- Epic moments (usually when combat finally does get good)
- Fast paced action
Well, what basically a 10 year old that has attention deficit disorder would like haha
The reason why I am thinking about about paranoia
- It seems great for one-shots
- It seems fun because people are encouraged to mess with each other
- It seems super easy to learn
What do you think?
Other systems I'm currently looking at:
- IndexCard RPG
- Seems like a way simpler DnD Version
- Call of Ctuhlu
- Seems like mysteries and horror are more important than combat. Group enjoys horror just as much as they enjoy laughing together
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/u/sta6 [link] [comments]