Gamma Age technology
Gamma Age technology posted in Gamma World forum comment posted by derek_holland Muscle power works for many devices of this era and one of the more favored types in some settlements is rowing. There are row-powered bicycles in the Ancient Age and the current ones allow mutants who have more impressive upper body strength than lower to pitch in and contribute raw power for industry and defense. A couple examples are swiveling towers and siege weapons. For the latter, the rowing action both moves and prepares the weapons for firing.
The version of dowsing that does work comes in the form of large electromagnets that are used to search for buried and drowned buildings and accumulated junk. The downside is some creatures can sense the generated field, including some species of seps.
Machete-bladed miniature planes are used to clear paths through hostile vegetation. Better to lose a tool than a party member to acid spitting, needle-flinging, or constricting plants.
Recreated amusement rides are used to "encourage" good behavior in prisoners. Either they love the experience and will be less difficult to earn more time on the rides or they will hate it and beg never to be put through that again. Win/win for the guards.
Goggles that mimic enhanced vision mutations are becoming more popular as the Restorationists who make them are refining them and adding new features. Yes, you can have all the mutations simultaneously, but be warned that it may also cause eye strain and a massive headache once the goggles are removed.
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