Fantastic Stuff
Fantastic Stuff posted in Fantasy and Progress Level 3 forum comment posted by derek_holland So fire elemental bones are used to prevent earth elemental taints? Weird, man.

Jim- that is an excellent idea! Elemental-derived creatures that undergo evolution but in very different ways than biological critters is an idea worthy of a setting.
There is a dungeon that has phased parts that overlap surface castles/settlements. What happens in one influences what happens in the other. For example, if a human smith makes a new form of bronze that can make more effective tools, in the dungeon a goblin smith invents a new form of steel that makes traps more deadly.
Some dungeon rooms are impossible to map as they change size and shape while the characters are in them (rather than the chestnut of with every revisit).
Merfolk, locatha and tritons communicate with each other using swimming crabs. The animals can store messages and display them on their shells, but only for specific individuals.
Blink dogs have an odd side effect from healing potions- their blink is replaced with telekinesis for 3d4 rounds.
The moon does not move across the sky. Rather, it appears in a different place every night. The phases remain, the result of the sun moving likewise in the underworld.
There are forests that are drawn to the moon, slowly moving and attempting to sit directly under it.
Turtle trees are used to make mobile buildings that are well armored. Those who want much faster, but flimsier buildings can use falcon trees.
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