Drug Addiction Rules
Drug Addiction Rules (Work in Progress) posted in Rules & Errata forum comment posted by derek_holland A very long bump. I found Jay Posey's Three in the little free library and read it yesterday. It has a character that is not only highly addicted to narcotics, she is dying from them. Even though the setting is post apocalyptic, PL 7 medical technology is available to some and even that can't save her.
Rereading the rules in this thread, there are no drugs that do that. Hell, there aren't any rules for how many drugs can kill the user via overdose or extreme withdrawal symptoms.
I get this is a game and having characters die this way isn't fun, but it is also something that belongs in some non-cinematic settings. The dangers of drug consumption are no joke and science fiction has dipped into that particular theme many times.
So, would it be easiest to use the poison rules or something else for toxic reactions to drug use?
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